(Last updated on 31st January, 2025)
- We currently do not deal in physical products and as such no shipping is applicable.
- To take delivery of the product you need to download it from our website.
- When the product is ready you will get “Ready for Download” message by email or WhatsApp or SMS. After which it can be downloaded within 48 hours.
- Due to unavoidable circumstances or seasonal rush Cutoff date for greeting product can be extended to 12:00 midnight marking start of the day for which the product in intended to be used.
- Order for Valentine's Week pack can be delivered in parts with message of “Ready to Download” for each part delivered by no late then 00:01 am for the day it is intended to be used [Cutoff Date & Time].
- In case we are unable to fulfill your order by cutoff date & time, you are entitled for a pro-rata refund.
- After 48 hours of sending “Ready for Download” message or a little later than that, products are deleted from server. No claims for not downloaded products after that shall be entertained.